Skin Pack Maker

Where Do I Find My Purchase History?


To review your purchase history, please check the guides below:



1. Open the Settings of your device

2. Tap on your username, then tap ‘Media & Purchases’

3. Sign in with your Apple ID

4. Tap on ‘Purchase History’

Here’s the Complete Guide on how to see your iOS purchase history from different platforms.



1. Open the Google Play Store app

2. Tap your Account icon

3. Choose ‘Payment and Subscriptions’

4. Select ‘Budget and history’

You can also enter Google Payments, then log in with your desired Google account.


Navigating Email Receipts

You can also find your iOS, Google Play receipts by searching in your connected Email account by using keyword , such as: ‘Skin Pack Maker’, ’Purchase’, and ’Receipt’.